AM Mods have actively removed members who productively contribute to the Asian cause. This may be because these efforts make their power-tripping reddit moderation seem frivolous in comparison. Certainly, they've tried to steer the community away from real activism meant to improve our situation in the West. This is simply the way that small, petty people act.
Let's take a look at what some of these banned members who have been called shit-posting myopic fucks by the mods have actually done:
Funding and promoting Asian men and sponsoring Asian fighters with his own business when every Chan is marketing their shit with white faces = Amazon printed tshirts

Funding, writing, producing, directing pro-Am media who gets the girl = deadend viacom fluffer "career"

Spending thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours to create to hold hollywood accountable. Twitter account followed by former Whitehouse senior members, chief editors of major publications. This instead of grousing on the Internet for hours. According to mods this is a "crypofascist" shit poster.

Spending weeks searching for, editing, and stitching together collages to illustrate how soft power/propaganda works against Asians and for works
Infographic: What the American Media would focus on regarding China if it was impartial
Infographic: How Asian men are depicted in Asian media

Infographic: How the American Media insults China, depicts Asian women as the 'property' of white men, how Asian men are shown as weak (Part 1)

Infographic: How the American Media insults China, depicts Asian women as the 'property' of white men, how Asian men are shown as weak (Part 2)

Infographic: How the American Media insults China, depicts Asian women as the 'property' of white men, how Asian men are shown as weak (Part 3)

Wrote an 80 page site for free to help Asian men fix (as much as possible) their love life

Spent hundreds of hours to research and write a 30 page Warning to Asians/anti Asian hate - expose a website/online magazine to promote Asian interests and culture to counteract self-hate and white worship

Spending hundreds of hours to debunk Anti-Asian/China propaganda to unbrainwash Asian minds from self-hate, white-worship, and defang racists of their sick mindsets

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